Hello! My name is Brian Jackson. I started this site because of my diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis back in July 2014 at the age of 27. My blood and food panel tests also showed my gluten intolerance off the charts. So I’ve literally had to re-learn how to eat, and it hasn’t been easy. But I can say I am much healthier now because of it.
Years of bad habits
I used to be like this below, downing energy drinks and Jack in the Box burgers. My family pretty much grew up eating Taco Bell. But even as a kid, I never finished all of my food. Talking about my childhood now with my parents, we look back and realize the reason I probably never finished my food was because deep down, it was causing discomfort, even if I didn’t know it yet.

Eating healthy
No more! I now eat 100% gluten-free and also try to eat non-GMO, soy-free, and dairy-free whenever possible. The funny thing people don’t realize is that your taste buds do change. Once you get over the hump, you no longer crave fast food, or should I say crappy food. Here are a couple of other things I’ve changed in my diet:
- I used to eat fast food 4-5 times a week, and now only eat out once a week or not at all.
- I completely dropped all sugary soda and moved to sparkling water (Spindrift).
- Frozen dinners have turned into turkey sandwiches with avocados and spinach.
- I no longer eat or buy candy. Whenever I have a sweet tooth, I now eat a Keto bar.
- I dropped all sugar cereal and moved to Keto nut granola (NuTrail).
- I no longer eat crackers; I now snack on walnuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds.
I’m also trying to cut down on my caffeine intake. ☕ But that is a goal I have yet to conquer. One day at a time!
I am now on a mission to help others on their journey to eating gluten-free, and so I will be reviewing gluten-free products and sharing the little tricks I have learned over the past couple of years. Eating gluten-free doesn’t have to be hard or even expensive. But there is definitely a learning curve.
My biggest pet peeve? When I hear people saying gluten-free is a fad. Eating gluten-free is not a fad or a choice for many of us; it’s because our bodies are telling us it is time for a change. And it isn’t going away anytime soon. Ironically, after having to eat gluten-free for a while, I wouldn’t go back, because I have learned to appreciate healthy food.
Ditching my meds
You can read my full story about my struggle with Ulcerative Colitis. I am currently off of all of my meds, after telling my GI I would never be back; and managing it completely with diet, tricks I have learned, and supplements.
Make sure to hit me up on Twitter @noglutenio
NoGluten.com is a gluten-free blog dedicated to helping those suffering from Celiac Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and Crohn’s Disease live a happier and healthier life.
I am a proud supporter of the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) as well as the Celiac Disease Foundation.